Hypnotherapist Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse – Tinlot – Villers-le-Bouillet – Liège – Dominique Delcour

Hypnotherapist Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse – Tinlot – Villers-le-Bouillet – Liège – Dominique Delcour

delcour dominique hypnotherapeute saint georges sur meuse tinlot liege villers le bouilletAll through a 30 years long experience in business as a manager, a senior Human Resources Officer, and a Coach, I had the very interesting opportunity to study and apply all sorts of tools used in Personal Development, such as needs-resources analysis, conflict management, transactional analysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programmation, NonViolent Communication, …
I define myself like I am at the service of others (adults, teenagers, children) through a participating process. My mission consists in making it possible that the person becomes fully aware, gets in touch with the true self, and the infinite inner abundance.
Today I propose entirely concrete actions-oriented supports in personal and professional contexts aiming real transformation, accomplishment of the being, using different tools such as :

Hypnosis and coaching : Hypnotherapist Tinlot

  • Feelings, needs, resources analysis ;
  • Self confidence, self esteem ;
  • Stop addictions (tobacco, sugar, …) ;
  • Modify attitudes that impact negatively daily life ;
  • Anchor positive thinking ;
  • Get rif of limitating thinking ;
  • Get connected with the true self .

Professional/academic switch Coaching :

  • After analysing real needs behind the emotions .

Therapeutic Hypnosis : Hypnotherapist Tinlot

  • Analgesia and chronic pain ;
  • Allergy and asthma ;
  • Weightloss ;
  • Depression, burn-out ;
  • Stress ;
  • Fears, phobias ;
  •  …

Family and systemic Constellations :

The Client explains the Facilitator his.her problem and chooses representatives amongst the participants. They stand in the space of the energetic field (in case of individual constellation, we use cards or figurines as representatives), they can move and express their physical and emotional feelings. They can move and express release phrases until they feel appeased and back to serenity and balance.

  • Family problems in all aspects ;
  • Relation difficulties in all life spheres ;
  • Place problems ;
  • Self confidence, self esteem ;
  • Health problems  ;
  • Anguish, fears ;
  • Sexuality ;
  • Couple problem ;
  • Mourning ;
  • Professional project ;
  • Choice making etc .

Why wait longer ? Just take the first step and make contact !

Do you questions that are still unanswered (for example how a therapist or counselor can assist you to find solutions to your problems)? Simply make an appointment via our secretariat, or send an email to the secretariat of Therapist Belgium, to the attention of any of the therapists or counselors on the website.

Hypnotherapist Tinlot – Liège | Dominique Delcour

Couples therapy

When a couple’s situation is such that the two people can no longer put up with each other, or that communication becomes practically impossible or at the least is very difficult, then it is worth calling a counsellor to try and re-establish communication and review the problems.

A first consult

There is never a good or a bad time to take that first step and make contact with a therapist.

Whatever your problem, your worry or simply your desire to speak or to be listened to, you can call any of our therapists whenever you feel the need. It is your desire and your need that are at the heart of this process.

Get in touch !

You are absolutely free to get in touch with any of the therapists on this website (you don’t need a medical prescription to make an appointment with a therapist)…

Rest assured…

All therapists are sworn to professional confidentiality: under no circumstance can they give personal information about their patients to anyone else (whether it be a member of their family, a doctor or a colleague) unless the patient specifically asks them to. In other words: your privacy is guaranteed.

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