Contacting the therapists at Therapist Belgium

Contacting Therapist Belgium

You are absolutely free to get in touch with any of the therapists on this website (you don’t need a medical prescription to make an appointment with a therapist)…

  • if you have an urgent question that you want answered as soon as possible.
  • if you need additional information for yourself or loved one.
  • if you want to make an appointment.

For more information or to make an appointment, you can contact the secretariat. The phone number is +32 (0)2 / 669 04 99 

You can also contact the  secretariat via the contact form below. Don’t forget to also include your phone number, that makes communication a bit more effective.

Contact form

Fill out my online form.

Contacting the therapists at Therapist Belgium

Contacting the therapists at Therapist Belgium

Psychotherapy sessions

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the therapists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem,

Rest assured…

All therapists are sworn to professional confidentiality: under no circumstance can they give personal information about their patients to anyone else (whether it be a member of their family, a doctor or a colleague) unless the patient specifically asks them to. In other words: your privacy is guaranteed.

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