Coach -Online – Yana Kornaraki
I am a certified coach (ACC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), graduated in Multilingual Communication (ULB) and holding an Executive Master in People Management (HR) from ICHEC.
My professional journey is based on 15 years of experience in work psychology within large companies, before evolving towards a more personalised approach as an independent coach, placing the human being at the heart of my support.
Subsequently, inspired by my own transformation through coaching, I acquired solid skills by attending continuous training in psychology, neurocoaching, career coaching, relational coaching, etc.
Thus, I have a global approach to help you analyse your needs and find a solution that suits you best. This support allows you to understand how to achieve your goal effectively, in a supportive and trusting environment. It is the art of listening to the soul, hearing the unspoken, which allows you to discover yourself in a different way, without feeling judged or evaluated, while being carefully guided.
For several years now, I have been doing professional coaching: career change, time and stress management, work-life balance, supporting women in their role as mothers, self-discovery. I also offer group coaching, mediation and conflict management.
The working languages are French, Dutch, English, Russian.