Coach – Hypnotherapist – NLP Practitioner – Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve – Véronique Olivier

Coach – Hypnotherapist – NLP Practitioner – Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve – Véronique Olivier


I am a life coach passionate about exploring human dynamics and supporting individuals on their personal development journeys. What fascinates me most is the richness and diversity of life experiences that each of us goes through. We all face unique challenges, and I firmly believe that every situation, whether perceived as positive or difficult, holds the potential for transformation. My goal is to guide you in discovering, understanding, and unlocking that potential, helping you create a life that truly reflects who you are.

Trained in various coaching tools, I specialize in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This powerful tool helps address our thinking and behavior patterns, and I use it to assist you in breaking free from limiting beliefs and obstacles that may be holding you back. NLP is a fantastic lever to boost your self-confidence, improve your relationships with others, and enhance your ability to achieve your personal and professional goals.

In addition to NLP, I also use other specific tools to address more targeted issues such as smoking cessation, stress management, or anxiety. These approaches are tailored to your individual needs, whether you’re looking to break a habit or regain emotional balance in your daily life.

I am convinced that every person has within them the resources needed to create a fulfilling life that aligns with their core values. My role is to accompany you with kindness, listening, and authenticity, helping you clarify your aspirations, overcome obstacles, and reveal the best version of yourself.

If you are ready to embark on this journey of personal transformation, I would be honored to support you on your path to fulfillment and achievement.

Why wait longer ? Just take the first step and make contact !

Do you questions that are still unanswered (for example how a therapist or counselor can assist you to find solutions to your problems)? Simply make an appointment via our secretariat, or send an email to the secretariat of Therapist Belgium, to the attention of any of the therapists or counselors on the website.

Coach Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve | Véronique Olivier

Psychotherapy sessions

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the therapists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem,

A first consult

There is never a good or a bad time to take that first step and make contact with a therapist.

Whatever your problem, your worry or simply your desire to speak or to be listened to, you can call any of our therapists whenever you feel the need. It is your desire and your need that are at the heart of this process.