Therapist Brussels – Sandrine Limbourg

Therapist Brussels – Sandrine Limbourg

Children in difficulties? You are facing life issues or unhappiness? Hypnotherapist

I can help! Hypnotherapist

Growing up abroad and mixing with different cultures and beliefs brought enabled me as a young girl to discover myself, to live powerful experiences, to become open to others and the world, to create happy memories, to appreciate new languages, to nurture my interest in creativity and spirituality. I realised quite early what I wanted for my life and what I did not want. Through travel I learned to connect to my higher self, that part of me which was craving to express itself and to beyond what we can see.

Hypnosis and art allowed that inner travel through time and space which eventually allowed me to be able to help you or your child with difficult situations you may be facing.

Before dedicating myself to those fields which I am passionate about, I worked for twenty years in a private school (St John’s International School) as a Pre-Kindergarten teacher, as an Art teacher, as a lecturer for the ECIS (European Council of International Schools) and also an author of teacher’s manuals as well as specialising in a large variety of hypnosis techniques.

Passionate and specialised in Humanist and Spirituel Hypnosis, my work consists to use a large variety of different types of hypnosis, such as regression to the cause, past lived experiences, connexion to the Source, Life Between Lives, our ancestors, our lost ones, our higher selves, to possessive souls.

My work is to assist you in your personal development in order to help you find your own answers, your own connections and your own knowledge. Together we will strengthen your weaknesses for a better you so that you can improve your existence, now and in the future.

The Circular Healing Energy was created with the intent to provide a safe and welcoming place to explore and deepen the patient’s path to healing. My mission is to remain true to the roots and philosophies of healing and to serve the community by offering people a place to feel free and where compassion, wisdom and acceptance is paramount.

Why wait longer ? Just take the first step and make contact !

Do you questions that are still unanswered (for example how a therapist or counselor can assist you to find solutions to your problems)? Simply make an appointment via our secretariat, or send an email to the secretariat of Therapist Belgium, to the attention of any of the therapists or counselors on the website.

Psychotherapy sessions

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the therapists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem,

Couples therapy

When a couple’s situation is such that the two people can no longer put up with each other, or that communication becomes practically impossible or at the least is very difficult, then it is worth calling a counsellor to try and re-establish communication and review the problems.