Therapist Brussels – Delphine Remy

Therapist Brussels – Delphine Remy

My name is Delphine Remy, I am a psychotherapist trained with Gestalt (Belgian Institute for Gestalt) and Sandplay (with Nicole Deschrevel founder of the IBG). Psychotherapist Kraainem

I accompany:

  • Parents encountering difficulties: parenthood support, transgenerational work, how to find your way between “Behavior, emotions & needs”; how to adapt your relationship to your child’s needs;
  • Children (under 5 years) and teenager with emotional, behavioral or interpersonal difficulties;
  • Adults.

Therapy length depends of each problematics and is adapted to your needs.

I built on my communication experience

I built on my communication experience* and studied at the Belgian Institute for Gestalt therapy. The human being is so complex and fascinating, that ongoing training is a must be. That’s why I completed my studies by following a specific training in Sandplay therapy with Nicole Deschrevel founder of the IBG. Ongoing training helps me also to get a deeper understanding of some topics that particularly interest me such as: parenthood, kids and all their problematics, anxiety, burn-out, stress, creativity… Psychotherapist Kraainem

Mother of 2 little girls, I face in my daily life parenting issues, such as parents I met in my office or in workshops. It helps me to have a posture anchored in reality and a deeper understanding of difficulties parents are facing each day in their family, at school, with friends, in the society…
Writer and blogger, my essay on “Boredom” was published in the Cahiers de Gestalt Therapy “… fiances” published in December 2014 (a bi-annual thematic journal published by the European College of Gestalt therapy and the “Exprimerie” publishing house specializing in literature dedicated to psychotherapy and particularly Gestalt therapy).

SandPlay Therapy for your child / teenager, why?

If you are reading this lines, it’s because you’re worry and you care about your child. He suffers and you do not know how to help. Because he is too small and does not find the words, the Sandplay Therapy can help to shape the unspeakable, to re-initiate movement, to identify repetition and to develop their imagination and creativity… Psychotherapist Kraainem

The Sandplay therapy was inspired by Jung and developed by the Swiss therapist Dora M. Kalff (1904-1990) following the work of Margaret Lowenfeld, consisting in shaping the desires and psychic complexes of the player through manipulation of sand and figurines.
Specifically indicated in chronic situations of personal discomfort or behavioral, emotional or relational difficulties; Sandplay is a non-verbal and non-interpretive tool that can help your child / teen to better find his place, to adjust himself to his environment, to understand his needs and duties as well.
In the tray, the child / teen will dare to express inner forces and externalize it as living images. The hands are the bridge between his inner and outside world (adults are sometimes also invited to work with sand). By their action, the concerns that inhabit him become visible.
Playing is reconnecting with the forgotten parts or undeveloped self. SandPlay allows children to tame the world and will help him to face the unknown that lives in him and scares him.

In practice, I will first meet you and present you SanPlay tool. Then you’ll come and leave me your child for a session of about 40 minutes. Sometimes it will be a little longer, sometimes a little shorter, we will work from where he is and will respect his rhythm and needs. Because this therapeutic space is his place of freedom where he can express everything, try everything in a dedicated frame that is specially designed for him. During the session, we will not play with sand, we will work with sand and thanks to this, your child will find the keys that open the right doors for him.

What is Gestalt therapy?

Frederick S. Perls developed Gestalt therapy in 1945’s.
With the help of a New York team, Laura Perls and Paul Goodman, theoretical and practical bases are established in 1951 on the foundations of Gestalt psychology, but also from the psychoanalytic (Freud, Ferenczy, Rank, Reich …), phenomenological and existential research.
Gestalt therapy focuses on the awareness of what is happening in the present moment at body, emotional and mental level. This experience includes past experiences, fantasies, unfinished situations, projects …
The present moment is basically a contact experience with others or the environment. The therapeutic process develops awareness of how the subject distorts experience, locks himself in rehearsals, refrains creative adjustment to the environment.
It is therefore to focus on the ‘how’ of the experience rather than the “why”.
This awareness allows to live new experiences of contact and to regain some ability to choose.
The direct therapeutic contact energizes the current experience and enables the creation of conditions for development, integration, change and the unification of the person.
This is an analysis of what is happening in yourself and what is happening in relation to the world. It develops responsibility and creativity which will allow you to adjust in a more flexible way to your environment.

Outside the office, I run Parenthood workshops helping parents to find inner resources, enlightening transgenerationnal transmission, helping them to find appropriate response to kids behaviors and needs, helping them to verbalize their and their kid’s emotions, work with them to help them to build their kid’s good self-esteem.

Former high-level gymnast, I also organize workshops on body consciousness that help to become aware of physical body sensations / feelings but also how these sensations are revealing emotions.

As I first worked in national and international communication agencies*, I’m personally interested in the following themes: stress, managers loneliness and decision process, creative management, loyalty problematics, game of power, harassment situation or burn-out.

I will recive you in my office Kraainem.

I have a degree in communication from the Belgian University of Belgium and also followed a specific creative management training. I spent the first part of my career in communication agencies and managed national & international account (such as Unilever, Kraft, European Commission, Kellogg’s, Rolex…).

Why wait longer ? Just take the first step and make contact !

Do you questions that are still unanswered (for example how a therapist or counselor can assist you to find solutions to your problems)? Simply make an appointment via our secretariat, or send an email to the secretariat of Therapist Belgium, to the attention of any of the therapists or counselors on the website.

Psychotherapy sessions

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the therapists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem,

A first consult

There is never a good or a bad time to take that first step and make contact with a therapist.

Whatever your problem, your worry or simply your desire to speak or to be listened to, you can call any of our therapists whenever you feel the need. It is your desire and your need that are at the heart of this process.

Rest assured…

All therapists are sworn to professional confidentiality: under no circumstance can they give personal information about their patients to anyone else (whether it be a member of their family, a doctor or a colleague) unless the patient specifically asks them to. In other words: your privacy is guaranteed.