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And now, what happens next?

You will be contacted as soon as possible. If you have sent your contact information during the day, you can expect to be contacted very soon, certainly within hours. If you have submitted your request during the evening or on weekends, the secretariat will contact you on the first working day.

This first contact will allow you to ask any questions you may have regarding a consultation. You will also be able to set the date and time of your first appointment in the therapist’s office of your choice.

The first appointment, how does that work?

The first appointment a therapist is not so different from a first encounter with any other health specialist, a dentist for example.

You will introduce yourself, and your therapist will do the same. The therapist will tell you his or her “way of working”. Then you will have the opportunity to discuss the reasons why you made your appointment. At the end of the session, after gathering enough information, the therapist will discuss with you the best approach to help you.

Some important facts to keep in mind

Firstly, your therapist is a mental health professional and he / she will treat you professionally and keep confidentiality.

Secondly: there is no need to be ashamed, whatever your issue might be. The therapist will certainly not laugh at you or ridicule you. Each person is different, and each life is different. So the questions that led you to consult, are also unique to you and your situation.

Thirdly: Take a few minutes to prepare before the consultation. For example, write down the topics you want to discuss during the therapy so that your therapist can ‘take stock’ of your situation.

And finally: on the day of your appointment, try to get there a few minutes earlier, in order to have the time to relax a bit before the consultation begins.

See you soon !
Therapist Belgium
Therapist Belgium

Marie Joe Kfoury

Therapist Psychotherapist - Auderghem - Marie Joe Kfoury

Chantal Feuerlein

coach bruxelles chantal feuerlein

Psychotherapy sessions

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the therapists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem,

Couples therapy

When a couple’s situation is such that the two people can no longer put up with each other, or that communication becomes practically impossible or at the least is very difficult, then it is worth calling a counsellor to try and re-establish communication and review the problems.

A first consult

There is never a good or a bad time to take that first step and make contact with a therapist.

Whatever your problem, your worry or simply your desire to speak or to be listened to, you can call any of our therapists whenever you feel the need. It is your desire and your need that are at the heart of this process.

Get in touch !

You are absolutely free to get in touch with any of the therapists on this website (you don’t need a medical prescription to make an appointment with a therapist)…

Rest assured…

All therapists are sworn to professional confidentiality: under no circumstance can they give personal information about their patients to anyone else (whether it be a member of their family, a doctor or a colleague) unless the patient specifically asks them to. In other words: your privacy is guaranteed.

New in Brussels: Virtual Reality Therapy

Through a combination of 3-dimensional computer simulation (Virtual Reality), Virtual Reality Exposure therapy places you in a safe, computer-generated world. Together with a specialised therapist you will work on overcoming your phobia. It's an effective solution to help you deal with (for example):

  • fear of driving
  • fear of flying
  • fear of public speaking
  • claustrophobia
  • arachnophobia
Bel-santé.be - Trouvez le spécialiste qui peut vous aider